Spoiled with a box of chocolates

Every once in a while we like to spoil ourselves, don’t we? Especially if we’ve been having a rough go of it or if we feel like we need a reward, right? Typically, I don’t reward myself through spoiling in the typical sense. I reward myself by giving myself the day off of chores around the apartment, or I’ll take the kiddo down to Playland at Fred Meyer and spend some time window shopping without having to worry about the spawnling. My rewards to myself are basically giving myself a break.

But every once in a while, I have to give in and spoil myself. This time I spoiled myself with these.


When I saw these on the shelf during Christmas time, I was instantly taken back to Christmas back when I was 13 when I was gifted a box of these in little sea creature and shell shapes. I remembered the white chocolate swirled with milk chocolate and I remembered the hazelnut filling. The shapes were definitely different and didn’t look quite as I remembered, but I instantly wanted to buy it. But I didn’t. I passed it down for the time being. When the Christmas clearance sales hit, I went back to see if this box of chocolates was there, but they were all gone. It was a disappointing day for me.

So my fiancé and I went shopping at Grocery Outlet and my fiancé found these chocolates sitting innocently on the shelf. I didn’t find out about them until we got home and he whipped them out. Typically I share all of my candy with him, but this time I politely informed him that these were mine. He said that was okay and allowed me to scootch on into a luxuriating bath with these chocolates, a glass of water and N20160118_001943.jpgetflix playing on the laptop safely poised on top of the toilet.


After finding the receipt, I know we only spent $3 on this box, but I’ve since seen it at the grocery store for $6. So score for us on finding a great deal, but also not bad price at all for these beauties.

If you want a nice little treat for yourself that’s relatively inexpensive, I definitely recommend these. Or if there’s someone you want to spoil, these would make a great gift as well. No matter the situation, Belgian chocolate is always a good thing.